
NEW: EmbodiedYou Retreat 2024

This is our cornerstone workshop and is perfect for those that want guidance around improving health through reduced stress, better eating, and creating a more active lifestyle. We combine the leading science around Meditation/Stress Reduction, Exercise & Nutrition, and Sleep Hygiene to help you rewire a healthier you.

In Person, full day retreats!



Couples Mini-Retreat-new dates in 2024 coming soon!

date: 2024

time: 9-4 pm

location: The Remedy Day Spa

This workshop is specifically designed to help partners recapture, build and strengthen intimacy in all areas of the relationship!

$499.00 per couple (Limited to 8 couples)


Healing the Healer: Ketamine Group Retreats,


dates: January 12th-14th, 2024, May 18th-20th, 2024, September 2024, November 2024

time: Saturday-Monday

location: The Remedy Day Spa- TBA

This Retreat is for those on the frontline of wellness and healing.Ketamine is a wonderful healing agent that allows one to re-connect with the deepest parts of themselves for true transformational healing.

Workshop: $varies.

Embodied Healing: A women’s Ecstatic dance & mindfulness group

dates: Starting in February 2024, First Fridays; monthly

time: 6:30-8:00 pm

location: TBA

Open and ongoing group for women. $25.00/per class, $110.00/5 class punch card

Tension/trauma release and mindfulness exercise. Expression of your authentic soul. Reclamation of your whole self. Connection to your pleasure and play. Sovereignty of your energy and healing through radical responsibility. Dance yourself well!


Men’s Cold Plunge/Co-Ed on Fridays

dates: Wednesdays/Fridays

time: 6 AM

location: The Remedy Day Spa, Nob Hill

Join us for a mind and body reset and push your limits of comfort. Learn the Wim Hof breath technique and get into the cold for deep transformation. Bio-hack and enhance your way to health with other like minded people. Wednesdays is an opportunity for men to get together and support each other and Fridays everyone is welcome. Bring your kid too!



The Embodied Spirit|

Retreats and Classes

Inspiring opportunities for growth and healing. Connect with an amazing community of people in 2024!