“The mind is essential. If you want to be strong you don’t start in the gym, you start with your mind.”
How May I Serve You?
Jose Maresma,
50+ and Truly Alive!
The only thing that legitimizes any support I can help you with is that I live by what I share-that and 28 years of experience. I deal with all the same joys and struggles as you do, and I am most certainly not perfect. I do understand the power of being Consistently Good Rather than Occasionally Perfect and so can you.
What I do is help you connect with your "why" around health and personal performance and when you know why your health and vitality matter to you, then it is much easier to live in alignment with that belief.
Aging is a part of life and there is a way to do it gracefully. The typical decline that we observe as we age may be the norm, but is is not normal. Our minds and bodies are capable of remaining sharp and strong throughout our lifecycle with a little care and attention. Life experience should make us stronger, more compassionate and sexier!
My practice is based on the latest scientific reaserch with a compassionate and mindful foundation. Over the last decade there has been a renaissance period in the areas of exercise, nutrition and overall optimal health and performance. I call it a renaissance because in my opinion for the last 50 years we have been in a type of Dark Ages when it comes to health related advice being given by "experts" and governmental organizations through exercise & dietary guidelines. Bias influenced by multibillion dollar industries (food & pharmacieutical) has infected nutritional and medical research leading to institutionalized lifestyle reccomendation that are not actually based on conclusive science. Things like the low fat diet, My Plate & Food Pyramid (none based on research), chronic cardio, "healthy" processed foods, and the rapid ascent of technology in our lives has lead to a health and quality of life crisis like we have never seen before. Think about it, not one lifestyle related disease has improved in the last 45 years! In fact obesity, heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, all forms of cancer, dementia/Alzheimer's, auto immune disease, and host of other lifestyle related ailments are at record levels globally, and showing up in younger individuals. The good news is that there is an ever growing number of scientists and health care professionals that have finally said enough of the blind following of dogma from our education & training. I am part of the growing number of health care professionals that are using current research and practical application to help individuals take back their health & vitality avoiding the "sick-care" system. Are you ready to join me?
"Coaches help people overcome the struggle, and build resources such as self-empathy, self-motivation, self-awareness, mindfulness, new insights and perspectives, confidence, optimism, and resilience, and make changes that last. Their new lifestyles become embedded into who they are." -Harvard Institute for Coaching
Mindful Based Coaching
My passion is helping people discover the gift of vibrant health and vitality that they already posses but may have forgotten about. In addition to over 28 years of practice I hold certifications and advanced training in Strength and Conditioning, Stress Management, Mindful Based Stress Reduction, Mind Body Coaching, Mindful Eating, Mindful Mental Training, Metabolic Conditioning, Clinical Weight Loss, Heart Rate Based Training, Life Coaching and several other specialties. I have also created certification curriculum for Health Coaching Professionals, Triathlon Coaching, Mindful Mental Training for athletes and busy individuals. If you are ready to get results, understand more about how your body really works and take control of your health and vitality please reach out to schedule and initial consultation. One size does not fit all, I work with individuals based on where they are and what they want to achieve.
If You're Ready to Explore-Please Schedule a Consultation Appointment-Call (505)440-8769, email - josevo2max@gmail.com
I can help you with:
Body Fat Reduction (there is a big difference between weight loss & excess body fat reduction)
Mental Aversion to Exercise & Lifestyle Change
Emotional Eating Issues
Mindfulness & Meditation Training
Improved Athletic Performance & Events (10K, Adventure Race, Sparten, first responder & military selection)
Looking great naked-yes really
Pantry clean up and how to food shop
Diabetes Issues
Improve Mental Focus-Reduce Mental Fog
Reduce Stress & Anxiety
Improved Performance at Work
Self Confidence, Negative Self Talk
Improve Nutrition-Food Preparation-In Home & Office kitchen/pantry audit
40 and over optimization for both men & women
Test Anxiety - Performance Anxiety
I offer in-person coaching in the Albuquerque & Santa Fe area and globally via video conferencing
I require a 60-90 minute consultation appointment with all new coaching clients, then offer 8 week, 12 week and customized longer term coaching packages.
“We brought in Jose as the keynote presenter at our annual health fair. He blew us away and elevated the entire event. I can not imagine finding a better person to inspire our employees toward healthy change! His presentations combined a review of the scientific research, action items, and compassion for folks’ health challenges. He connected with the larger groups immediately and also offered a safe place for one-on-one coaching for individuals. I highly recommend Jose as an expert, health educator, and presenter.”
public speaking & education
I offer a variety of Health & Mindfulness Based speaking topics. I work alone and with Kimberlee to offer novel, fun and very informative education and speaking. I have been speaking and teaching for almost 28 years on a National Scale. I have been an educator and key note speaker at the following: 10 year speaker at State & National Society of Health & Physical Educators (SHAPE America) National, Regional and local State Conferences. Educator & speaker at Club Industry-one of the largest global health and fitness industrie trade shows. Key Note for Meeting of the Minds-Invitation only event of the leading sports scientist in the world. Over 100 Collages & Universities - Virginia Tech, UT Austin, Florida State, University of Central Florida, University of North Carolina to name a few. Speaker at The International Health, Racquet & Sports Club Annual Conference (9 years). The State of New Mexico: General Council, Retirement Board, Parole Officers Annual Conference, State Correction Annual Conference, Federal Corrections Annual Conference.
We are available to provide trainings and lectures on a variety of topics from Mindfulness & Stress Reduction to Eating on the Go. Give us a call to craft something special for your team.
A culture of health attracts healthy & productive employees.
workplace wellness & education
The Mind & The Body matter in business and the workplace. Most employers understand that their most valuable asset is their people. Culture trumps all in the workplace and when employees feel lousy, morale and productivity go down and health care costs & absenteeism/presenteeism go up. As the former Director of Programming for one of the nations leading evidence based wellness providers I had the opportunity to design interventions for organizations all over the USA. In private practice and consulting I have been working with leading organizations like Cliff Bar, Intel Corp. & The Sate of New Mexico to deliver the highest level of employee wellness support. In 2017 I designed and laid out the road map to transition Employee Wellness into Population Health Mangement for US News and World Report Top 100 Regional Hospitals, Presbyterian Health Services.
I would love to share my experience with your team!
Consulting on existing and new wellness initiatives and programming.
Mindful-Based Customer Service Training-lowering employee stress and elevating employee customer interaction. For all customer facing employees, call centers and teams.
Executive & Mindful Leadership. Improve emotional intelligence, focus and workplace satisfaction & productivity.
Employee education, systematic holistic based challenges & lecture series, Lunch & Learns, employee health coaching, executive health services and more.
Post Biometric Screening education on what your numbers actually mean to your health
Special programs for clinical and healthcare professionals
Great Way to Get Started-Try One of My Popular Lunch & Learns
The Mind Body Connection - Why is stress such a big & Important part of our lives, and how to change your relationship with it.
Know Your Numbers - HDL-LDL, Glucose, what do they really mean and how does my lifestyle impact them? Very informative lecture that is great to pair with biometric health screenings.
Know your Metabolism - Learn the real deal behind how our metabolism works, and how to heal it for body fat reduction and great health.
Embodied You - How Meditation, exercise, and food come together to impact your mood and health.
Optimize Your Exercise - What you need to know about exercise to gain the greatest benefits for your physical & emotional health.
The Happiness Advantage - A look at the science of happiness. Happiness is a skill that can be developed and I'll show your team how to do it with meditation, gratitude & exercise.
* I have an extensive list of public speaking references that can be given upon request
“When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.”